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Deckdatum: 13. September 2009

Geburtsdatum: 14. November 2009


3 Welpen aus Standardzucht

(2 Rüden chocolate/ 1 Hündin chocolate (tot geboren))


Juqueen's Cäthe

HD A2/A2, ED 0/0

vollzahnig, Augen frei 

prcd-PRA frei, CNM frei, EIC betroffen

bb-EE, Kardio o.B.

Formwert V, WeT, BHP A+B, JP/R, BLP, APD/A, Workingtests A



Special Friend's Mr. Gentle

HD B1/B1, ED 0/0

vollzahnig, Augen frei

prcd-PRA frei, CNM frei, EIC frei, NARC frei


Formwert V, WeT, BHP












Bysterstorff's A...

Bysterstorff's Avalon Artus

Bysterstorff's Avalon Lancelot







Ch. Special Friend's Mr. Gentle

 Juqueen's Cäthe


Farbourne's Glamour Boy

Ch. Special Friend's Indira

Lab Treasure's Naughty Thing

 Farbourne's Rum Truffle



Flanders Pride Xclusif

Farbourne's Game Set and Match

Flanders Pride Amaretto

Special Friend's Blues and Rythmn




Ch. Birchbrook Paddington Bear

Lab Treasure's Back in Business

Flanders Pride Xclusif

 Farbourne's Breaking News


Tisketh Rough Quest

Flanders Pride Topaz

Ch. Rocheby Royal Marine

Penny Royals Setpoint

Dickendall Davaron Anslo

Oulsmi Cast No Shadow

Boothgates Militia Man

Seabirds X-Port of Germany

Ch. Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway

Ch. Birchbrook Victoria Plum

Master of Chocolate du Taillis Madame

Ch. O'Sofinas Quite as Nice


Tisketh Rough Quest

Flanders Pride Topaz

Stormley Mackintosh

Penny Royal's Setpoint


Bysterstorff's Avalon Artus

Rüde choco/ Zb-Nr.: DRC-L0914975

Gesundheit: Hoden +/+, HD B2/C1, ED 0/0, Gebiss vollzahnig/ Schere, Kardio o.B.

Ergebnisse: Best Youngster, Begleithundeprüfung A+B, Wesenstest DRC


Bysterstorff´s Avalon Lancelot

Rüde choco/ Zb-Nr.: DRC-L0914976

Gesundheit: Hoden +/+, HD A2/A2, ED 0/0, Gebiss vollzahnig/ Schere, Kardio o.B

Ergebnisse: Formwert "sehr gut"

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