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Bysterstorff's It-Piece


Hündin choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 1822928


Gesundheit: HD B1/B1, ED 0/0, LÜW 1,

Gebiss vollzahnig/ Schere, Kardio o.B.


Ergebnisse: Wesenstest DRC



Bysterstorff's i-Tüpfelchen


Hündin choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 1822930


Gesundheit: HD A1/A1, ED 0/0, LÜW 0,

Gebiss vollzahnig/ Schere


Ergebnisse: Wesenstest DRC



Bysterstorff's I am what I am


Hündin choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 1822929


Gesundheit: leichter Rückbiss,

Verdacht auf Entropium




Bysterstorff's Influencer


Rüde choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 1822927


Gesundheit: Hoden +/+, HD B1/A2, ED 0/III, LÜW 0, Gebiss vollzahnig/ Schere


Deckdatum: 03. März 2018

Geburtsdatum: 03. Mai 2018


4 Welpen aus Standardzucht

(1 Rüde chocolate / 3 Hündinnen chocolate)





Bysterstorff's Bärliner Dorle


HD A2/A2, ED 0/0, LÜW 0

vollzahnig, Augen frei 

prcd-PRA frei, CNM frei, EIC Träger, HNPK frei, SD2 frei, Longcoat frei

bb-EE, Kardio Grad 0


Formwert V, WeT, BHP A+B, JP/R, BLP, APD/A




Play Mor Flirtin with Costa Sterlina


HD A, ED 0

vollzahnig, Augen frei

prcd-PRA frei, EIC frei, HNPK frei

bb-Ee, Kardio o.B.


Crufts Qualification 2017 










Play Mor Flirtin with Costa Sterlina
















 Bysterstorff's Bärliner Dorle 





Ave Amigo Ocean of Desires








Ch. Claychalk Costa Sterlina








Banners Lubberline Chock








 Juqueen's Cäthe



Ch. Stenveyz Mango-Mango




Ch. Stenveyz Kalakhari




Beechcroft's Pardon me Sir




Claychalk Costa Markka




Ch. Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount




Banners Brown and Serve




Lab Treasure's Naughty Thing




Farbourne's Rum Truffle


Ch. Thanks a lot de la Legende de la Loutre


Ch. Follies Moulin Rouge


Ch. Weathertop Storm Cloud


Stenveyz Elderberry


Preton Arturo


Beechcroft's Study the rain


Oulsmi It's Just Me


Ballyhenry La Floos Cum Claychalk


Epochs Edward of Bonaventure


Classique's Count on me


Ch. Bubbling Beduine


Banners Plain Brown Wrapper


Ch. Birchbrook Paddington Bear


Lab Treasure's Back in Business


Flanders Pride Xclusif


Farbourne's Breaking News 
















Bysterstorff's Influencer

Bysterstorff's It-Piece

Bysterstorff's I am what I am

Bysterstorff's i-Tüpfelchen

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