Deckdatum: 22. Juni 2024
Geburtsdatum: 21. August 2024
8 Welpen aus Standardzucht
(4 Rüden chocolate / 4 Hündinnen chocolate ( 1 Rüde chocolate tot geboren)
Bysterstorff's Not for sale
HD A2/A2, ED 0/0, LÜW 0
vollzahnig/ Schere, Augen frei
prcd-PRA frei, CNM, EIC, HNPK, SD2 frei
Formwert V, JAS
Ch. Neardamo Lawson
HD A1/A1, ED 0/0
vollzahnig/ Schere, Augen frei
prcd-PRA frei, CNM, EIC, HNPK, SD2, Stargardt, RD OSD, Kupferspeicherkrankheit, DM, D-Lokus frei
Haarlänge: Typ K/K
Formwert V, Wesenstest, BLP
Deutscher Champion VDH
Ch. Neardamo Lawson
Bysterstorff's Not for sale
Holstep´s Out-Top
Bysterstorff´s Cheek to Cheek
Ch. Coco Loco´s Deep Impact
Juqueen´s Cäthe
Ch. Mallorn's Madmax
Ch. Mallorn's Madmax
Ch. Hunting Friend Elixier of Success
Holstep's Race Card
Ch. Mallorn's Capuccino
Antalas Coca Cola
Coco Loco's X-File
Coco Loco's Hot Lips
Lab Treasure's Naughty Thing
Farbourne's Rum Truffle
Bysterstorff's P-Wurf
Bysterstorff's Partner in crime
Rüde choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 29395
Bysterstorff's Party Animal
Hündin choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 29399
Bysterstorff's Pokereface
Rüde choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 29396
Bysterstorff's Pippilotta Langstrumpf
Hündin choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 29400
Bysterstorff's Peekaboo​
Hündin choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 29398​
Bysterstorff's Potzblitz
Rüde choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 29397
Bysterstorff's Push the button
Hündin choco/ Zb.-Nr.: DRC-L 29401